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Index of the TT99 web site, generated 26/07/99

Abacus in rear room Northern abacus
Amenemhat Area of tomb
Amenemheb Area of tomb
Amenemipet Area of tomb
Amenhotep History, Amenhotep
Amulets Amulets
Anubis Wall 15
Architecture Architecture
Area around TT99 Area round TT99
Arrows Wall 9
Bes Wall 12
Biographical text Wall 12
Book of the Dead Papyri, Mummy shrouds
Bows Wall 9
Box fragments Boxes
Cancer Human remains (other)
Canopic jars Canopics
Ceilings in rear room Ceilings
Ceramics Ceramics
Children Senneferi and family
Chromaticity diagrams Making documentation
Coffin fragments Coffins (D25)
Coffins Coffins (D18)
Colour recording Making documentation
Colourimeter Making documentation
Colours Ceilings
Comments Explanation
Conclusions Meaning of finds
Condition survey Conservation
Conservation Conservation
Coptic ostraka Ostraka (Coptic)
Copts History
Courtyard Architecture, Courtyard, Courtyard (interior), Courtyard (exterior)
Daughter Renena Senneferi and family
Deir el-Medina Deir el-Medina, Deir el-Medina (above)
Dig diary 1998 Dig diary 1998
Djedhoriufankh 22nd dynasty reuse
Doorway of tomb Doorway
Dra abu el-Naga Dra abu el-Naga
Egyptian workmen Expedition
Excavation Excavation, Excavation techniques, Meaning of finds
Excavation dump Dump
Explanation Explanation
Facade Superstructure
Facsimiles Pillar A east, Wall 16, Wall 12, Making documentation, Wall 9
Family Senneferi and family
Father Haydjehuty Senneferi and family
Finance Expedition
Food offerings Model offerings
Fortress Wall 5
Front of tomb Architecture
Funding Expedition
Funerary cones Superstructure, Cones
Funerary procession Wall 13
Furniture Furniture
Gebel Silsila Senneferi and family
Hathor head Furniture
Haydjehuty Senneferi and family
Heqaneheh Cones
Hieratic ostraka Ostraka (D18)
Hieroglyphic texts Pillar A east, Wall 4
History History
Horenpe History, 25th dynasty reuse, Coffins (D25)
Human remains Human remains (D25), Human remains (other)
Iamunedjeh Area of tomb
Introduction to TT99 Introduction to TT99
Jackal Coffins (D25)
Lebanon trip Wall 4
Lintel Wall 15
Magical objects Magical objects
Making documentation Making documentation
Map Area of tomb
Meaning of finds Meaning of finds
Merremetjef Cones
Mery Area of tomb
Model offerings Model offerings
Modern habitation Courtyard
Mond, Robert Excavation
Mother Zatdjehuty Senneferi and family
Movies Shrine interior, Deir el-Medina, Dra abu el-Naga, Dump, Qurn, Rekhmire, Courtyard (interior), Courtyard (exterior), Deir el-Medina (above), Sheikh abdel Qurna, TT99 from south, South of TT83, Court of TT84, Court of TT95
Mummies Human remains (D25), Human remains (D18), Human remains (other)
Mummy bandages Textiles
Mummy shrouds Mummy shrouds
Neshathor Shabtis (inscribed)
Niche Superstructure
Nubia Shabtis (uninscribed)
Number of objects found Objects summary
Offering bearers Wall 16
Opening of the mouth Magical objects
Ostraka Ostraka (Coptic), Ostraka (D18)
Other tombs Area of tomb, Other tombs
Overseer shabtis Shabtis (inscribed)
Painted fragments Superstructure
Papyri Papyri
Papyrus Louvre E3226 Senneferi and family
Parents Senneferi and family
Parts of a tomb Schematic diagram
Parts of the tomb Parts of the tomb
Patterns Ceilings
Phoenician amphora Ceramics
Phoenician script Ceramics
Pillars in rear room Pillar A north, Pillar A east, Pillar BN
Plan of chapel Chapel
Plan of complex Plan of complex
Portico Doorway
Pottery Ceramics
Priest offering Wall 16
Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figures Ptah-Sokar-Osiris figures
Publications Publications
Pyramid (lack of) Superstructure
Quantity of finds Finds, Objects summary
Quicktime VR Shrine interior, Deir el-Medina, Dra abu el-Naga, Dump, Qurn, Rekhmire, Courtyard (interior), Courtyard (exterior), Deir el-Medina (above), Sheikh abdel Qurna, TT99 from south, South of TT83, Court of TT84, Court of TT95
Quicktime VR movies Quicktime VR
Qurn Qurn
Ramose Area of tomb
Recent changes to the site Recent changes
Reconstruction of tomb Superstructure
Recording Excavation techniques
Rekhmire Area of tomb, Rekhmire
Renena Senneferi and family
Report for 1992 Report 92
Report for 1993 Report 93
Report for 1994 Report 94
Report for 1995 Report 95
Report for 1996 Report 96
Report for 1997 Report 97
Report for 1998 Report 98
Ritual objects Magical objects
Scarabs Amulets
Schematic diagram Schematic diagram
Sealing Sealing
Sennefer Area of tomb
Senneferi Human remains (D18), Sealing, Mummy shrouds
Senneferi (burial of) Shafts in the courtyard
Senneferi (name) Boxes, Coffins (D18)
Serabit el-Khadim (Sinai) Senneferi and family
Shabaka 25th dynasty reuse
Shabtis Shabtis (uninscribed), Shabtis (inscribed)
Shaft A Shafts in the tomb
Shaft B Shafts in the tomb
Shaft C Shafts in the tomb
Shaft D Shafts in the tomb
Shaft E Shafts in the tomb
Shaft F Shafts in the tomb
Shaft G Shafts in the courtyard
Shaft H Shafts in the courtyard
Shaft I Shafts in the courtyard
Shafts Architecture, Plan of complex, Excavation, Excavation techniques
Shafts in courtyard Courtyard
Shafts in the courtyard Shafts in the courtyard
Shafts in the tomb Shafts in the tomb
Sheikh abdel Qurna Sheikh abdel Qurna
Shrine Furniture
Significance of finds Finds
Sons of Horus Amulets
Southern abacus in shrine Southern abacus
Staff of the expedition Expedition
Statue of Amenhotep Amenhotep
Statues Senneferi and family, Statuary
Suemniut Cones
Superstructure Superstructure
Supreme Council for Antiquities Expedition
Syrians in fortress Wall 5
TT C3 Senneferi and family, Tomb C3
TT100 Area of tomb, Rekhmire, Other tombs
TT29 Area of tomb, Other tombs
TT83 South of TT83
TT84 Area of tomb, Court of TT84, Other tombs
TT85 Area of tomb, Other tombs
TT94 Area of tomb, Other tombs
TT95 Area of tomb, Court of TT95, Other tombs
TT96 Area of tomb, Other tombs
TT96A TT99 from south
TT97 Area of tomb, Other tombs
TT99 from south TT99 from south
Tabakmut 22nd dynasty reuse
Taiamu Senneferi and family
Textiles Textiles
Thanks Expedition
Tomb doorway Doorway
Tomb interior Shrine interior
Tomb of Amenhotep Tomb C3
Tomb sealing Sealing
Vignettes Papyri
Wall 6 Wall 6
Wedjahor History, 25th dynasty reuse, Coffins (D25), Human remains (D25)
Wife Of Senneferi Taiamu Senneferi and family
Winged scarabs Amulets
Worker shabtis Shabtis (uninscribed), Shabtis (inscribed)
Zatdjehuty Senneferi and family
el-Kurru Shabtis (uninscribed)
human remains Human remains (D18)

© Nigel Strudwick 1997-2018